I am currently a data scientist and aquatic ecologist at Ecofish Research.
I completed my PhD at ETH Zurich while working at Eawag (the Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science & Technology). During my doctoral research, I applied statistical species distribution models (SDMs) to quantify how stream invertebrate and fish communities respond to natural and anthropogenic environmental conditions in Swiss rivers.
In developing these SDMs, I gained an interest in statistical modelling approaches and the model development process. I also acquired experience in using multiple programming languages (e.g., R, Python) and GIS software tools (e.g., ArcGIS, QGIS) to process, analyze, and visualize a wide variety of environmental datasets (biomonitoring data, land use data, etc) and model results.
While broadly interested in ecological modelling and species distribution modelling, I am particularly interested in (i) applying Bayesian methods to quantify model uncertainty and the inference of species responses to environmental conditions, and (ii) using models to analyze and derive practical recommendations for improving ecosystem monitoring, management, and conservation.
In my spare time, I pursue the following hobbies: